About Christy Nunes

Christy is known for her energetic stage presence, her head literally does not stop thrashing side to side, for the entire set.

Christy Nunes picked up her first guitar at age 5 and hasn't put it down yet. She hails from San Diego, from where people still hail, and started playing the SoCal club scene by age 14. She has played in a diverse assortment of bands over the years and brings an element of each to The LocalsĀ® - funk, rock, punk, acoustic and classical/jazz. Nunes is also a photographer and knife wielding maniac. She once shoved a kid during a brief stint as the dancing, costumed mascot at Chuck E. Cheese.

Christy moved to Chicago in 1996, with the band, Roger's Park. After the first hints of winter kicked in, she was ready to pack her bags and move back to sunny California when she met singer/songwriter Yvonne Doll, at Uncommon Ground Coffee Shop. The two had an instant connection and shortly thereafter co-founded The Locals.


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